Ashley Bayana

Senior Operations Manager

As Director of Operations, Ashley Bayana is responsible for overseeing CMP’s daily operations and implementing strategic initiatives to drive growth and efficiency. Ashley develops and executes operational strategies, manages resource allocation, and leads cross-functional teams to ensure seamless processes. Prior to joining CMP, she was the Operations Manager at the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership (AEDP), a non-profit organization in Alexandria, VA, dedicated to fostering business and economic growth.

Ashley earned her Master’s in Business Administration with honors from the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB), Washington, D.C., specializing in entrepreneurship and technology. While at GWSB, she enrolled in a consortium program, immersing herself in a semester at the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business. During this period, she concentrated on specialized courses like "The Business of Defense," which culminated in a capstone wargaming exercise centered on national security and defense. She also spent a semester as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at GWSB.

Ashley holds three global certifications focused on international business from the Coller School of Management in Tel-Aviv, Israel; the Fudan School of Management in Shanghai, China; and Grenoble Ecole De Management in Grenoble, France, obtained through short-term study abroad programs.

Ashley lives near the Chesapeake Bay, approximately two hours from Washington, D.C., with her family and their highly energetic German Shorthaired Pointer.

Dayton Segard